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Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai to host Epack-Tech Asia in 2019


In recent years with fast development of e-commerce, packaging demands for e-commerce industry are increasing exponentially. How to avoid excessive packaging, retrieving difficulties, private information leaking, are becoming the pressing challenges to the industry, in the meantime it’s an opportunity for the industry to improve the packaging technologies and transportation efficiency.

Recently, Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai announced they are going to host Epack-tech Asia 2019 in Shanghai, the show focuses on food and non-food processing and packaging technologies. It is going to be conducted in parallel with CeMAT ASIA.

 “Our mother company Fiera Milano host Europe’s second large packaging show IPACK-IMA every year, while Epack-Tech Asia is going to be IPACK-IMA’s extension in Asia. Based on the blowout development of China’s e-commerce industry, market demands for better sales and customer experiences by improving packaging technology is intense.” noted by Gary Liu, managing director of Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai. To e-commerce industry’s demands for better packaging and transportation technology are pressing.

On 2018 China E-commerce Convention, Ms. Qian Fang Li Director of Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China Department of Electronic Commerce and Informatization delivered <Report of China E-commerce Industry (2017)>. Ms. Qian revealed some core data while talking about the performance of China e-commerce industry in 2017. In 2017 the total e-commerce sales reached RMB 29.16 trillion, with a year-on-year growth of 11.7%; national online retail reached RMB 7.18 trillion, with a year-on-year growth of 32.2%; e-commerce service revenue reached 2.92 trillion, with a year-on-year growth of 19.3%; rural area online retailing revenue reached 1.24 trillion, with a year-on-year growth of 39.1%.

 “E-commerce is leading the development of digital economy, enhance the dynamics of the growth. And the growth needs support from packaging and transportations for online sales products. According to the data released by Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association (UCIMA), at present, the annual revenue of global packaging technology and packaging industry reaches USD 40 billion, 60% of the revenue comes from food and beverage industry, followed by pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics industry and personal care products, others like fashion industry, automotive industry and furniture industry.” added by Gary Liu.

Epack-Tech Asia is going to deepen the discussions about above pressing issues and showcase the innovative products and technologies at the same time. Gary Liu also said “Packaging must help creating a unique customer experience, transforming a ‘single shot’ online purchaser into a loyal customer and creating successful word-of-mouth marketing. Therefore, we believe it shall be interesting to organise a trade fair in parallel to CeMAT ASIA, devoted to product packaging technologies catering to the needs of E-commerce. To have this trade fair in Shanghai China - a booming market for e-commerce industry shall be a wise choice.”


Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai Ltd.

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No.308 Lanhua Rd,  Pudong New District
Shanghai 201204
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